Animals and Ethics Seminars, Honors College, Indiana University, Bloomington, 2006-2015
Kindred Spirits International Multidisciplinary Animal Conference, Organizer and Speaker, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, Keynote Speaker: Donna Haraway. September 4-7, 2006
“Invented Cages: The Plight of Wild Animals in Captivity” (law review article), Journal of Animal Law, editor David Favre, co-written with Anuj Shaw, PhD and Attorney-at-Law, Michigan State University, Fall 2005, pp. 31-60
“Pet Trusts: Providing for the Non-Human Members of the Family,” Hoosier Hills Estate Planning Newsletter, p 2-8, August 2004.
"Losing Animals: Ethics and Care in a Pedagogy of Recovery" (Chapter 7), Posthumanism and Educational Research, (Routledge International Studies in the Philosophy of Education Series), August 2014, 161-183.
“The Legal and Literary Animal” (chapter), solicited for Options for Teaching Literature and Law, edited by Cathrine Frank, Austin Surat, and Matthew Anderson, MLA’s Book Series: Options for Teaching,(2010), 415-448
Talks and Papers:
Invited Talk: “Putting the Animal Back into Animal Law: How a Feminist Ethic of Care Can Help,” Maurer School of Law, Bloomington, IN, March 2014
Competitive Paper, “Feminist Food Fight: Anti-Vegans versus Vegans,” Annual Conference of the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, October 2013
Competitive Paper: “What if Derrida’s Cat Had Been A Dog?” Cosmopolitan Animal Conference, University of London, October 28, 2102
Competitive Paper: “How Many Have to Die: The Sacrificed Animal in American Fiction?” 26th Annual Conference of the Society for Literature,Science, and the Arts, Milwaukee, WI, September, 2012
Competitive Paper, "Wilbur the Pig Syndrome: Ethical Problems With the Exceptional Animal," Emory Law School Legal Theory and Feminism Project: Animal Vulnerabilities. Atlanta, Georgia, March 29, 2012
Invited Talk/Paper “Non-Economic Valuation of Companion Animals in Torts Cases,” Indiana Bar Association, Continuing Legal Education class, February 19, 2010
Competitive Paper, “Voice, Injury, and Third-Party Standing: speaking to and for animals in the law,” Nature Matters Conference: Materiality and the More-than-Human in Cultural Studies of the Environment, York University, Toronto, Canada, October 26, 2007
Invited Talk: “Animal Activism or Terrorism? The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act,” Center for Law, Society, and Culture, Indiana University School of Law, Bloomington, January 2007
Invited Talk, “Pet Trusts Are Finally Going to the Dogs: The Serious Work of Helping Clients Plan for Their Animal Companions,” Hoosier Hills Estate Planning Commission seminar (offered for CLE credit), November 2, 2005
Competitive Paper: “Bless the Beasts and the Children: Talking ‘Rights’ for Animals and Children,” Texas Bar Association, Animal Law Institute, Continuing Legal Education, Austin, TX, April 30, 2004